Technical Advisory Committee
Chris Leibfried has a BS in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Engineering Management from Rochester Institute of Technology. After 30 years with Xerox as an engineering manager, Chris retired in 2014 to pursue volunteer work with organizations building infrastructure projects in developing countries. Chris is completing a degree in Civil Engineering and is an adjunct instructor at RIT. He works part time as a land surveyor in Rochester NY.
Nate Bloss is a licensed Professional Engineer working for Jacobs in Seattle, Washington. He has 10 years' experience designing, detailing, and constructing bridges, ports, and coastal protection projects. From 2008 to 2010 Nate served as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in northern Namibia. He joined BtGA in 2012 as a field engineer and served as BtGA's TAC Chair from 2014 to 2017. He holds a BS in Civil Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
Burleigh Law, P.E. is a senior technical advisor/engineer with HNTB Corporation in Indianapolis, Indiana. He brings 26+ years of experience and technical expertise working on and leading structural design and construction projects across the US. He has a BA in Physical Science from Asbury University and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky. Burleigh was born and raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo and went to high school at Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya – this gave him a passion for helping an organization making a difference in Africa.
Kimani Thomas is a registered professional Civil Engineer. He holds a Bachelor of science degree in Civil Engineering and a masters degree in Construction Project Management from JKUAT. He is a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya and the Architectural Association of Kenya. He is an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a member of the Kenya Bureau of Standards - Road and Road furniture technical committee. He is also an IFC accredited Edge Expert. Traversing both Civil/ Structural Engineering and Construction Project Management for over 10 years, he has acquired a heterogeneous portfolio with experience in structural analysis, design and construction project management. He has authored several peer reviewed journal and conference papers both locally and internationally. His other areas of interest are CNC designs, steel fabrication, Crossfit training and music.
Natalie McCombs, PE, SE is a senior Technical Advisor with HNTB Corporation in Kansas City with over 22 yrs of experience designing and detailing complex highway bridge projects in the US including arch bridges, cable-stayed bridge and tunnels. She has a BS and MS in Civil Engineering from the U. of Kansas. Natalie participates in the National Steel Bridge Alliance collaboration meetings to update the industry recommendations for steel bridge design. BtGA satisfies two things I love: helping people and designing bridges!
Bobby Reese is a registered Professional Engineer. He graduated in 2009 from the University of Arkansas with an M.S. in Civil Engineering. Bobby has a background in bridge design having worked as a Bridge Engineer with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for over 3 years. He was born in Zimbabwe and lived there until moving to Arkansas for college. Currently Bobby and his wife are back in Africa living and working just outside of Nairobi, Kenya.